Mr Gouldsborough & Mr Coursey bring up the Ingrossd Bill
declaring severall Acts of Parliament of England to be in
force Which was read & assented to by the Board & sent to
the house by Mr Sanders.
The said Mr Gouldsborough and Mr Coursey bring up the
following ordinance of the house vizr
By the house of Delegates
Aprill 18th 1706
It being proposd by a member of this house whether it be
not reasonable that Mr William Bladen the undertaker of Re-
building the Court house be not Advanced & paid some part
of the Consideration on his Contract.
It is Resolved that he be paid out of the Publiq Stock at
Assessing of the publiq Levy next the Sume of ffive hundred
pounds being one half If the honrble Councill shall think fitt
to Concurr herewith
Signed p Order W Taylard Cl h Del.
Which proposall was Agreed to by the honrble Councill.
Mr Grey brings up a bill for Apportioning the publiq Levy
which was approv'd of & sent to the house of Delegates by
Lieutt Coll Holland.