Months from the publication of this Law or until her Majestys
Pleasure shall be declar'd therein.
Provided allways that this Act nor anything therein Con-
tain'd shall in no wise be Construed to extend to defeat
rescind abrogate or Suspend the fforce vigour or Effect of the
said Act for p'venting the Growth of popery in any other
Matter or thing whatsoever or for any longer time than what
is in and by this Present Act expressed and Declared
December 9th 1704 December 9th 1704
Read and Assented to by the Assented to by her Matys honble
house of Dell Councill
W Taylard Cl hD. W Bladen Cl Concil.
December 9th 1704
On the behalf of her Maty I will this be a Law
Jo : Seymour