vertue of any Comission from her Majesty her heires and
Successors to him or them Granted to dispose of any Place
or Office as aforesd may upon Vacancy of any place or Office
whereof they have right to dispose be obliged to make Choice
of such Pson or Psons as they shall think most worthy and
Capable of executing such place or Office as aforesaid out of
the Inhabitants of this Province who have been Resident
therein during the time and term aforesaid (Except before
Exeepted) any Custom or usage to the Contrary notwith-
And be it further Enacted that every Pson or Psons what-
soever having Comission from the Queens Majesty her heires
and Successors to exercise any Office within this Province
shall actually Inhabit! within this Province and exercise the
same in his own proper Pson and not by any Deputy or Dep-
utys without Pticular leave from her Majesty.
December 7th 1704 December 8th 1704
Compar'd with the originall bill Assented to by her Matys
and read and Assented to by honble Councill
the house of Dell. W Bladen Cl Concil.
Sign'd p Ordr W Taylard Cl hD.
Decr 9th 1704
On behalf of her Maty &c I will this be a Law
Jo: Seymour.