s and take to his Owne use to be employd towards the Re-
building the Stadthouse all the bricks Iron work and timber
aforesaid And that out of the publiq Stock of this Province
shall be payd to the said William Bladen his Exrs and Admrs
the sume of one thousand pounds Sterl or in Dollars or peices
of Eight at four and six pence a piece as they now pass within
this Province.
Provided this Act shall not take Effect till the said William
Bladen hath given good security to his Excellency the Gov-
ernour of two thousand pounds Sterl to perform the same
within Eighteen months.
December 9th 1704 December 9th 1 704
Read and Assented to by the Assented to by her Matys honble
house of Delegates Councill
W Taylard Cl hD W Bladen Cl Concil.
December 9th 1704
On the behalf of her Maty I will this be a Law.
Jo : Seymour.
An Act Declaring the Divisions of Severall Countys within
this Province made by vertue of a former Act Intituled An
Act for the Division and regulating severall Countys within
this Province and Constituting a County by the Name of
Prince Georges County within the same Province to be
firm and Stable.
Whereas by an Act of Assembly made at an Assembly
held at Annapolis the Eighth day of May sixteen hundred
Ninety five Entituled an Act for the Regulating and Division
of severall Countys within this Province and Constituting a
County by the name of Prince Georges County within the
same Province which is now Executed severall Divisions and
Partitions were made And by another Act of Assembly made