Maryland Sst
Journal of the second Session of Assembly begun and held
at the port of Annapolis the fifth Day of December in the third
year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Ann by the Grace
of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Queen
Defender of the Faith &cta Annoq Dom. 1704.
The House met according to Prorogation and being called
over were present.
George Muschamp Esqr for St Mary's City, Mr Thomas
Beale, Mr William Watts, Mr Peter Watts, for St Mary's County,
Mr Thomas Smith, Mr Elias King, and Mr John Wells for Kent
County ; Mr Samuel Young, Mr Charles Greenbury, Mr Joseph
Hill and Mr Richard Jones, for Ann Arundel County; Mr
Robert Skinner Mr John Mackall & Mr Thomas Howe,
for Calvert County; Mr James Smallwood, for Charles
County; Mr Edward Dorsey, Mr James Maxwell, Mr
James Philips, Mr Francis Dallahide, for Baltimore County ;
Mr Joseph Gray, Mr John Jones, Mr John Mackalster,
for Somerset County; Colo Thomas Smithson, Mr Robert
Goldsborough, & Mr Henry Coursey, for Talbot County;
Mr Edward Blay, for Cecil County; Mr Robert Tyler,
and Mr Samuel Magruder for Prince George's County ; Mr
James Hay, for St Mary's City; Mr John Leach, for Calvert
County ; Mr Gerrd Fowke, and Mr William Stone, for Charles
County; Mr Nicholas Lowe, for Talbot County; & all Dor-
chester County, Wanting also Mr Thomas Frisby, Mr William
Pearce & Mr William Dare for Cecil County; Mr Thomas
Greenfield, Mr William Barton, and Mr John Waters; also
wanting Mr William Aisquith, & Mr William Frisby both sick.
The House being called over Mr Robert Goldsborough and
Mr Henry Coursey ordered to attend his Excellency to acquaint
him That the Major Part of the House are met but not having
a Speaker, Major William Dent, late Speaker, being dead, his
Excellency may be desired to give some Directions how the
House shall proceed.
They returned and say his Excellency leaves it to the House
of Delegates to proceed to choosing a Speaker.
Thereupon the House by Majority of Votes made Choice of
Thomas Smith Esqr to be their Chairman and accordin
Lib. 41.