An Act ascertaining the Gauge of Tobacco Hogsheads.
Be it enacted by the Queens most excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Consent of her Majestys Governour
Councill and Assembly of this Province and the Authority of
the same that what person 01 persons soever shall make or
Cause or Suffer to be made for his use any Tobacco hogshead
or Hogsheads which shall exceed forty Eight Inches in length
of the stave and thirty two Inches in the head to be measur'd
or shall make or cause or Suffer to be made for his own use
any Tobacco Hogshead or Hogsheads under the size of forty
six inches in length and thirty inches in the head and the
same hogsheads or any of them shall pack full of Tobacco
shall forfeit and pay the sume of one hundred pounds of To-
bacco Of which one half to her Majesty her heires and Suc-
cessors for the Support of the Government of this Province
and the other half to him or them that complaine of the same
and Cause the same to be proved and such Complaint shall