And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
if any person or persons being lawfully Convicted as aforesaid
of or for the second offence and shall again offend the third
time and be thereof lawfully convicted that then every person
for the third Offence shall be sett in the Pillary in the City
Town or in the full County where he shall then Inhabitt and
dwell and loose and forfeit all the goods and Chattells he or
they have to their own use And also be Comitted to prison
there to remain during the term of one whole year. The one
Moyety of all which forfeitures to be to our Sovereign Lady
the Queen her heires and Successors for the Support of the
Government of this Province and the other Moyety thereof to
the Informer or him or them that shall sue for the same by
Action of Debt bill plaint or Information in any Court of
Record within this province wherein no Essoyn proteccon or
Wager of Law to be allowed.
Provided that this Act nor any thing therein Contain'd shall
not debarr or be Construed to debarr or hinder any person or
persons Whatsoever within this Province by or out of any
goods or Merchandizes by him or them so bought or purchas'd
as aforesaid to Satisfy and pay unto any workman or Servant
the hire or wages of him or them due for any work or Service
September 20th 1704 September 21st 1704
Read and Assented to Read and Assented by her
by the House of Delegates Majestys honble Councill
W Taylard Cl hD W Bladen Cl Concil.
Maryland October 3d 1704.
On the behalf of her Maty &c I will this be a Law.
Jo: Seymour