such person or persons shall refuse or deny to give the Owner
or Owners of his Land as aforesaid peaceable and Quiett
possession thereof such Owner or Owners shall and may re-
cover his right to the same by Ejectment or otherwise as the
law directs any thing in this Act contain'd to the contrary not-
And for prevention of the abuse frequently comitted by
persons keeping Water mills by taking excessive Tole.
Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid that from and after the
publication hereof as aforesaid no master owner Miller or
other person properly belonging to or otherwise owning any
Mill within this province shall ask demand or receive for
grinding any Quantity or Quantitys of Indian Come or Wheat
whatsoever above the Sixth part of every Bushell of Indian
Corn and eighth part of every Bushell of Wheat by him or
them so ground as aforesaid upon penalty and forfeiture of one
thousand pounds of Tobacco one half to the use of her Majesty
her heires and Successors for the Support of Government and
the other half to him or them that shall inform or sue for the
same to be recovered in the respective County Courts by accon
of Debt bill plaint or information wherein noe Essoyn Pro-
tection or wager of Law to be allowed any other act usage or
custom to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Provided allways that if any person upon encouragement
of former Acts hereby repeald have begun to build any Mill
they shall still have all those advantages that they might have
had by such Act hereby repealed as if the former Act or Acts
were still in force.
September 29th 1704 Septr 29th 1704.
Read and assented to by the Read and assented to by
house of Delegates her Majtys honble Councill.
W Taylard Clk HD. W Bladen Cl Concil.
Maryland 3d October Anno Dmi. 1704.
On behalf of her Majesty &c I will this be a Law.
Jo. Seymour.