Province. In which said Attachments there shall be a Clause
comanding the Sheriff of the Respective Countys at the time
of the executing the said Attachments to make known to each
person or persons in whose hands and possession the said
Goods Chattells & Creditts so as aforesaid in their hands
attach'd are should not be Condemn'd and Execution thereof
had and made as in other Cases of Recoverys and Judgments
given in Courts of Record Att which day of Return of the said
Attachment if the said Defendant shall not then appear nor
the Garnishee in whose hands the afd goods Chattells and
Creditts of the Defendant were attachd to shew Cause to the
Contrary the respective Courts shall and may condemn the said
Goods Chattells and Creditts so as aforesaid attachd and award
Execution thereof to be had and made by capias ad Satis-
faciendum fieri facias or otherwise as in other Judgments he
The said Plaintiff so prosecuting as aforesaid giving good and
sufficient Security before the Justices of each respective Court