632 Topical Index.
Jones, H., induction, 544. |
Proclamations, 5, 96-100, 113, 280, 285, |
Justices and process, 216. |
286, 293, 294, 299, 302, 304, 318, |
Justices, complaint against, 269. |
326, 335, 346, 349, 352, 377, 398, |
402, 434, 452, 462, 470, 483, 484, |
Kent Co., boundary, 273. |
488, 491, 493, 499, 508, 509, 515, |
516, 523, 535, 539, 549. |
Land patents, 137, 345. |
Proprietary governments, complaints |
laws disallowed, 82, 519, 521, 538. |
against, 116. |
revising, 92. |
Proprietary reinstated, 323, 339. |
Lloyd, P., remonstrance, 531. |
Quakers, 93, 164, 213, 585, 588, 589. |
New York, aid to, 114, 137, 158, 159. |
(See Pirates.) |
Nicholson, F., testimonial to, 38. |
Queries from Board of Trade, 525. |
charge against, 570. |
Rangers, 101. |
Oaths, 21, 68, 115, 467, 546. |
Religion, Act for, 92, 110, 115, 520. |
Offices in Province, 319. |
Riddlesden, W., charge against, 439. |
Royal African Co., 70. |
Paper currency, 602. |
Rumors, seditious, 7, 8. |
Papists to be listed, 243. |
charges against, 582. |
Scotch at St. Thomas, 96. |
list of, 258. |
Darien, 98. |
Penn, W., charges against, 585. |
traders, 73. |
letters from, 572, 573. |
Seal of Province, 206, 217, 259. |
Pennsylvania boundary, 109, 130, 270, |
Seditious papers, 499. |
397-414. |
Servants, transportation of, 425-438. |
Perrie and others, charge against, 501. |
Sewall, N., complaint against, 495. |
Petitions: |
Ships built in Maryland, 595. |
Anderson, J., 108. |
Slye, G., charges against, 4, 19, 30. |
Bates, W., 128. |
Smith, R., charge against, 21. |
Blair, W., 139. |
State House struck by lightning, 96. |
Brains, J., 18. |
St. Mary’s City, disfranchisement, 249. |
Brannock, J., 532, 534, 536. |
St. Mary;s court house, 219. |
Calvert, B. L., 271. |
Surveyor-general, 346. |
D’Emilliane, G., 133. |
Dorchester Co., 528. |
Taylor and Gatchell, charges against, |
Forward, J., 426, 435. |
415. |
Hill, R., 221. |
Thanksgiving, 12, 97, 141, 182. |
Holt, J., 183. |
Thorrold, G., charge against, 241. |
Jones, J., 119. |
Tobacco growing, 602. |
Lloyd, P., 207. |
duty, 59. |
Macnemara, T., 226, 228. |
laws, 246, 454, 459, 460. |
Norris, J., 305. |
Treasurer’s account, 512. |
Norwood, P., 27. |
Tubman, G., charge against, 13, 22, 23, |
Pierson, R., 381. |
42. |
Rider, J., 423. |
Shipmasters, 225. |
Urmston, J., charge against, 542. |
Pirates, 77, 78, 80, 81, 94, 97, 100, 106, |
116, 554-570, 577, 589. |
Vestrymen, charge against, 152, 180. |
Pollard, E., pardon, 150. |
Virginia, correspondence with, 454, 455, |
Pope, J., charge against, 74. |
458. |
Port duties, 116. |
Prizes, 152, 165, 541. |
Welch, S., charge against, 218, 222. |