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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1707/8. 235
he reserved the Answer untill he knew whether it was a Lib. C. B. Crime, And what he had gott none should take it from him. Upon which Sawcy Answer and other Audatious behaviour His Excellcy ordered the Sherriff to put him in the Stocks p. 109 one full hour bare Breeched of which his Excy was pleased to remitt half an hour a great Gust arrising.
Wednesday Febry 18th 1707 The Councill Sate. Present His Excy the Governr Mr President Tench Col Francis Ienkins Colo Wm Holland and Colo Wm Coursey.
His Excy not being able to gett a full Councill together Mr Justice Lloyd being in Towne his Excy was pleased to desire his Advice at this time, And accordingly the said Mr Lloyd was directed to take a seat at the Board which he did. Mr Iohn Rousby Sworne Navall Officer at Putuxent Comis- sionated and Appointed Receivr there till further Direction from the Right Honble the Lord Treasurer Then was Read at the Board the fol. order of Councill, Vizt
At the Court at St James the 29th day of
Aprill 1707.
Present The Queens Most Excellt Majty His Royall Highness Prince Lord Arch Bishop George of Denmarke of Canterberry Lord Keeper Earle of Sunderland Mr Speaker Ld Treasurer Earle of Bradford Mr Bertie Ld President Earle of Poulet Mr Comptroller Ld Steward Earle of Cholmondely Mr Vice Chamberlain Duke of Somrsett Lord Coningesby Mr Secry Harley Ld Great Chamberlain Lord Cheif Justice Holt Lord Chamberlain Lord Cheif Justice Trevour Earle of Stanford Mr Vernon Mr Howe Upon reading this day at the Board a Report from the Right honble the Lords of The Comittee for hearing of Ap peales from the plantacons upon the petition of John Taylor of London Mercht Praying to be Admitted to appeale from a Judgment given against him in the provinciall Court of Mary land in favour of Anne Iones and Thomas Gassaway Exrs of
Volume 25, Page 235 View pdf image (33K) |
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