Alt A Sessions of Assembly held at Annapolis the 26th day
of Aprill Annoq Domi. 1700 were Enacted Viz.
An Act for the Service of Allmighty God and Establishment
of Religion in this Province According to the Church of
Forasmuch as in a well Grounded Xtian Common Wealth
matters Concerning Religion and the Honor of God ought in
the first place to be Endeavourd and taken Into consideration
as that which is not only most Acceptable to God but the best
way and meanes to obtaine his Mercy and blessing upon a
People or Countrey.
Be it therefore Enactd by the Kings most Excellent Majty
by and with the Advice and consent of this Present Genll
Assembly & the Authority of the Same that all things that
have been heretofore legally done by Vertue of our former
Act of this Province for this Purpose made And beareing the
Title or tendeing thereto in and Since the Yeare 1692 be
and are hereby Rattified and Confirmed according to the
Reasonable intent and Direction of the said Laws to the
intent that the further Proceedings on Soe Great and Good
a work may be Advanced and pfected by this Law to which
purpose be it Enacted by the Authority afd that the booke of
Common Prayer and Admistration of the Sacraments with
other rights and Ceremonys of the Church According to the
use of the Church of England the Psalter or Psalms of David