Abjuration, oath of, 418.
Church, land to, 102.
Coopers, 102.
Differences with Indians, 102, 413.
Disposal of Parish tax, 420.
Establishment of Religion, 91, 265, 418.
Land to Dorothy Stephens, 204.
Laws, confirming, reviving and repeal-
ing, 104, 321.
Milburn's executors, powers to, 411.
Militia, 415.
Officers' fees, 412.
Orphans' estates, 273.
Frontiers, security of, 101.
Fugitive debtors, 201.
Public levy, 107, 203, 322, 416.
Glebe land, 102.
Governor, support for, 416.
Queen, recognition of, 409.
Rangers, 280.
Horse racing, 275.
Irish papists, 406.
Juries, summoning, 414.
Kent and Calvert Cos., relief of, 275.
Scamper, P., naturalization, 204.
Schee, H., naturalization, 279.
Smith, H., sale of lands, 422.
Smithers, C, naturalization, 410.
Speedy trials, 98.
Stephens, D., land to, 204.
Land in St. James's Parish, 204.
Tobacco duty, 202, 414.