And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and
with the Advice and Consent afd that in Any Parish where the
Church is old or so out of repaire as not fitt to be made use
of and shall be so adjudged by the Vestrymen of such Parish
It shall and may be Lawfull to and for such Vestrymen to
apply the said forty pounds of tobacco p poll for the building
of a new one and it hath or shall so happen by reason of a
Long Vacancy in such Parish that there shall be no occasion
to apply the said Tobacco to the uses afd or of any such to-
bacco after such application hath or shall remaine in the hands
of the Vestry The said Vestry are hereby directed and Em-
powered to purchase therewith either a plantation with a Tract
of Land or a Certaine Tract of Land as near and contiguous
to the Churche belonging to such Parishes as may be (and if
there be no Church in such Parishes then to purchase a tract
of Land as may be most Convenient for the inhabitants thereof
and build a Church thereon) Which Plantation or Land shall
be and for ever remaine as a Glebe to the use of the Ministers
of such Parish for the time being who shall be Lawfully in-
ducted and Appointed according to the usage of the Church
of England and this Province And if there shall happen in any
Parish to be Tobacco over and above answering the uses afd
it shall be Employed to the Improvement and Stocking such
Glebe as the Vestry shall Judge most Proper
And forasmuch as by the said recited act there is nothing
Allowed to the Sheriffe for Collecting the said forty pounds of
Tobacco p poll and Paying the same to the incumbent or
Vestry Be it Enacted by the Authority afd that the Sheriffs of
each respective County shall have allowed him or them out of
the said forty pounds of tobacco p Cent for Collecting and Pay-
ing the same and no more any Law Statute or usage to the
Contrary notwithstanding
May the 2d 1704 May the 2d 1704
Read and Assented to by the Read and Assented to by
house of Delegates her Majties honble Councill
W Taylard Clk house del W Bladen Cl Concil
May the third Seventeen hundred and four
On behalf of her most Sacred Majesty Anne by the Grace
of God of England Scotland France and Ireland and the Do-