satisfied the next Leavy. And if not then compleate, the
remaindr to be considered of and Satisfied by the next Ses-
sions of Assembly. To all wch this house agreed.
The peticon of Evan Jones Clk: of this Parrish was read
and is Rejected. The house adjournes till to morrow morn-
ing 7 a Clock.
Dies Mecurij. 25 March 1702.
The house againe mett and being called over
Were all present as Yesterday.
The Message brought in yesterday wth a Coppy of a para-
graph of a Lre: was read as foll.
A Coppy of a paragraph of the Rt Hon: the Lords Corn-
missr of trade and plantacons Lre: to his Excy the Govr of the
4th of Sept 1701.
Wee wonder the Assembly should not thinke fitt to consti-
tute an Agent for Soliciting there affaire here, there are many
occasions tho' not at our Board in wch business cannot be done
without some charge and great inconveniencys have often
arrizen by the delay of reports upon some Laws and other-
wise, all wch will growe worse and worse if some fitt person
be not appointed to looke after such like matters.
By the Councill in Assembly March 24th 1701/2
Gent :—
Wee have sent you the Coppy of a Paragraph of the honol
the Lords of trade and Plantacons Lre: to his Excy the Govr
by which you may perceive, how deficient their said Lordsps:
doe thinke wee are to our selves in not appointing some fitt
person to Sollicite our affaires in England which are often
times delayed and sometimes wholly miscarry for want thereof.
Wherefore in reguard his Excy our prsent Govr is now
shortly intended for England of whose provident care wee
have all possible assureance and is willing to take that trouble
upon him proposeing for one yeares time to bestow his appli-
cation therein Gratis for the good will he has for the Countrey
and afterwards at the rate of one hundred and Twenty pounds
Sterling per annum, or if you shall thinke that too much,
upon such termes as you yor selves shall thinke fitt and to
continue in such agency untill the Assembly shall by their Lre:
Signify that they have noe longer occasion for to make use
of him.