Execs of the said Milburne have noe notice of this peticon.
Therefore the consideracon thereof is referred to next Sessions
of Assembly
Collo Wm Whittington a member for Somersett County en-
ters the house and takes his place.
Mooved by a member that whereas the foundacon of the
prison intended to be built is placed on Lowe ground where
Comonly there is a settling of water which may prove prju-
Therefore proposed that some more convenient place may
be appointed. Upon which it is Resolved it be soe and that
Mr Samll Young Mr John Whittington and Mr Benjamin Hall
be appointed to consult Mr Richd Beard about the same and
that they make reporte thereof to the house in the After-
The Honble Collo Edward Loyd and James Saunders Esqr
enters the house and Delivers Mr Speaker a Message with a
paragraph of Doctor Brays Lre : The Consideracon whereof
is referred to a full house.
The house adjourned till 2 a Clock in the Afternoone.
Post Merediem. The house mett againe all present as in
the morning only Mr Samll Young, Mr John Dorsey and Maj.
Dorsey had liberty to goe upon Election of Delegates for
Ann Arundell County.
The peticon of Danll Carning praying an allowance for Re-
paireing the pasture fence. Read and further referred.
Engrossed Bill for Religious Worship &c sent to his Excy
and Councill by George Muschamp Esqr and Majr James
They returne and say they delivered the same.
Reassumed a proposall for inspecting the old Land records,
Resolved that Mr Phillemon Loyd Mr Elisha Hall, Mr Phil-
lip Lynes and Collo Wm Whittington goe to the Secretarys
office and view and inspect the old records of the land and
Reporte to the house in we condicon they are and if it be
necessary any of them be transcribed anew.
They Departe and in some small time after enters the house
againe and Reporte that they have inspected the records and
finde it absolutely necessary that some of the Records be
forthwith transcribed a new, and other books to be new bound
being now old and much worne &ca
The Consideracon thereof is further referred.
Collo Jno Addison and Thomas Brooke Esqr enter the house
and returne.
The Engrossed Bill for Religious Worship &c.