Esq goe to his Excellency the Governr and signify their choice
of their Clarke and humbly desire he may be sworne and
quallified. They returne and say they saw him sworne.
Upon Calling over this house they finde that Mr James
Round a member of this house for Somersett County is lately
Therefore orderd that warrant be prepared to the honble
Secretary to make out a writt for Election of a Member to
serve in his place and stead.
Mr Speaker is desired by this house to prepare answer to
his Excys Speech to be ready here to morrow morning.
Of the Comittee of Elections and Privileges are appointed
Mr Thomas Greenfield, Mr Elisha Hall, Mr Phillemon Loyd
Mr Samll Sicklemore Mr Hugh Ecclestone.
The house adjournes till tomorrow morning 7 a clock
Fryday 9th May 1701
The house were called over and prsent as yesterday only M
Jacob Loockerman Sick
The answer to his Excys Speech by the Honble Speaker pre-
pared and brought into the house and the same being read
and approved of was ordered to be drawne over faire wch
follows vizt
May it please yor Excy
The Easiness which his Matys Subjects in this province were
imediately sencible of at the first comencing of yor Governmt
and the exact constancy of it in its progress assures us that it
is the innate and Genuine Disposition of yor Excy to felicitate the
people under your Conduct and as we have found your Excy
allways and at all times Iust and prudent in publick affaires
and sincere and candid in personall soe shall you find a cheer-
full obedience and Ingenuous dealing from us and a perfect
desire to avoid the least flaw of Contention and inviolably
to maintaine that prfect harmony and Correspondence which
hithertoo we have kept and had the same thought with yor Excy
and Councill that the usuall method of Messuage and Confer-
rence Conduces much thereto
Neither the disolucon of the last Assemby nor any Act of
your Excy hath been Displeasing to us and alltho' at this pres-
ent meeting you may see some new faces yett you shall finde
in the whole the old disposicon to his Matys Service and the
good of this province wch we hope will never look differing