By his Excy the Govr and Councill March 16th 1697/8.
This Board has appointed the honble Col. George Robo-
tham, Thomas Tench Esq. Col: Charles Hutchins and Col.
Iohn Addison to joine with some of the houses members to
consider about the Indians affairs according to request so soon
as time and place is agreed on.
Signed p order. Hen: Denton Clk: Councill.
Capt Waughop, Major Hafnond, Mr William Hutchison Mr
Philip Hoskins, Mr Ferry, Mr Lowe, Mr Iohn Whittington Mr
Hicks, Mr Elisha Hall, Mr Tilghman, Mr Bozman and Mr Harris
are appointed to treate with the Gentlemen of his Maty5
honble Councill, this afternoon where the said Gentlemen shall
appoint Concerning the Indians and make Reporte to this
Appointed of the Comittee of Laws.
Mr Philip Clarke, Capt Ricd Hill, Mr lames Crauford, Mr
Wm Hemsley and Mr Wm Taylard.
Col: Thompson and Doctor Lockerman return and say they
have delivered theire message, and that his Excy says he is
well Satisfied.
The Comittee of Laws and all other Comittees sent out.
House adjourned unto Mr Speakers Chamber in this porte att
7 Clock to morrow morning. House met and called over.
Then Read over what was done yesterday.
Major Walter Smith appears in the house and takes his place.
Reported to this house from the Comittee of agrievances,
That the Comittee having prused the Act for empowering the
Comrs of the County Courts to leavy and raise money to
defray the necessary charges of theire Countyes and for that
the Comittee made no penalty or fine therein, so that they
continually augment the County Charge and the partye
agrieved have no redress. Therefore the comittee conceive
it a great agrievance and humbly represent that a Law with a
penalty be made one halfe thereof for defraying the County
charge the other halfe to the informer.
Whereupon, Resolved that it be referred to the Comittee of
Laws, to enquire whether the Law be sufficient or not.
That the Comittee find it an agrievance that the Sherriffes
and Deputy Comissarys in the Severall Countyes exact and
extorte fees contrary to Law Coloured by takeing Bills there-
Thought fitt that a clause be inserted that no Sherriffe or
Deputy comissary hereafter take or extorte any Bills from
any persons whatsoever for any ffee unless the account and
perticulars thereof be endorsed on the said Bill so that the
party agrieved may be relieved, otherwise such bill to be voyd.