tht they be not so Considered in promising what great things
they would doe (in Redressing Grievances if they were chose)
That the true Grievance of the Country he takes to be the
open violation of Devine & Humane Laws, for which he
hopes in God all prsons will take Care off; not to break them
any more soe ffarr as humane nature will admitt of.
That his Exncy was not insencible of the great difficulties he
was like to meet with since he has had the honr of being his
most sacred Mats Govr of this his province espectially of late ;
but he thanks God of whom he begged assistance & relyed that
what he undertook had prospered, many are the discouragemts
& humane oppositions; but in the Same mind and hopes
what ie remaining to be done will have the like success that
he has Endeavoured (tho he Confesses but weakly) to imitate
his so great a Master who hath so steadily prsued the Glory
of God, & the universall good & Wellfare of all his Subjects,
wherefore may Justly be called the ffather of the Countrey.
That all the Recommendacons & proposalls of this last
Assembly have been noe otherwise then for the Glory of God
his Mats Service & Good of this his mats province & no epar-
ticular Interest of his Maty nor private design of his own.
That lastly with the advice of his mats honrble Councill he
had Considered to prorogue them untill the Third day of may
ensuing, and accordingly did prorogue thm to that time.
Hen Denton Cl Concil