Lib. L. L.
them not Exceeding one Thousand Pounds for which they
shall have Creditt and be Allowed in their Accounts when
Rendered and hereby Saved harmless for their soe doing.
An Act for payment of the Publick Charge of this Province
Whereas there hath been the Sume of three hundred fourty
Six Thousand Eight hundred Seaventy and nine pounds of
Tobbacco and the Sume of one hundred Eighty three pounds
Seaven Shillings and five pence Sterling laid out and dis-
bursed by Severall of the Inhabitants of this Province upon
the necessary Charges of the Same which hath been Examined
and stated and allowed of by this present Generall Assembly
To the Intent thereof that the Same may be Satisfyed and
paid Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty by
and with the Advice and Consent of this present Generall
Assembly and the Authority of the Same That the said Sume
of Three hundred fourty six thousand Eight hundred Seaventy
and nine pounds of Tobbacco And one hundred Eighty and
three pounds Seaven shillings five pence Sterling be paid
the severall persons as in the Journall of the Comittee of
Accompts is sett forth (that is to say) the said one hundred
Eighty three pounds Seaven shillings and five pence Sterl
according as the Same is Allowed of in the Said Journall And
the said Sume of three hundred, fourty six thousand, Eight
hundred Seaventy & nine pounds of Tobbacco to be paid to
the Severall persons to whom the same is due in money Sterl
att the rate of Ten Shillings p Cent who are hereby obliged to
accept and receive the same in full Discharge thereof to be
drawn out of the Publick Treasury of this Province in Mailer
and forme following (that is to say) Major John Hammond,
Capt Richard Hill, Mr Samuel Young, Mr John Worthington
or any three of them whereof the said Major Hafnond to be
one Be and are hereby Authorized and Impowered to draw
the severall notes for so much particularly as shall be due
to the Severall persons in the said Journalls named for Pay-
ment of the aforesaid Publick Charge upon the Severall
Treasures of this Province Provided allways that such Sums
as are due to Severall Gentlemen resideing on the Eastern
Shore shall be first Allotted and paid out of the Stock
remaining in the Treasures hands on that shore so farr as the
Same will Extend, wch sd Notes & Ticketts the said Severall
Treasurers are hereby obliged to accept and pay which said
Notes or Ticketts & receipts Endorsed thereon shall be Suffi-
cient to discharge such Treasurer or Treasurers for the Same
End of 1699 Session.