Province or brought hither in Order to receive their Tryalls
here Be it further Enacted by the Authority afd That all Treasons,
Felonies Pyracies, Robberies Murthers or Confederacys Com-
itted or that shall hereafter be Comitted upon the Sea or in any
River, Haven, Creek or Bay where the Admirall hath Jurisdiction
shall be inquired Tryed heard Determined and adjudged
within this Province in such like forme as if Such Offence had
been Comitted in and upon the Land and to that End and
purpose Comissions shall issue under the great Seal of this
Province directed to the Iudge or Judges of the Admiralty of
this Province for the time being and to such other Substan-
tiall Persons as by his Matys Governor or Cofhander in Chiefe
of this Province fur the time being shall be named or Appointed
which said Comissioners or such a Quorum of them as by
such Comission shall be thereunto Authorized shall have full
power to do all things in and about the Inquiry hearing Deter-
mining Adjudging & Punishing of any Person or Persons
Convict of the Crimes & Offences aforesaid as any Comis-
sioners to be Appointed by Comission under the Great Seale
of England by Virtue of a Statute made in the Twenty Eighth
Year of the reigne of King Henry the Eighth Chap: 15 are
Impowered to do and Execute within the Kingdom of Eng-
land and that the sd Offenders which are or shall be Appre-
hended or brought Prisoners to this Province shall be lyable
to Such order process Judgment and Executions by Virtue of
Such Comission to be Grounded upon this Act as might be
awarded or given against them as if they were proceeded agt
in the Realm of England by Virtue of any Comission Granted
Lib. L. L.