An Act Imposeing a fine on Edward Dorsey Convicting him
of a Debt of Three hundred Thirty three pounds Six Shil-
lings & Eight Pence to the King and Imposeing a fine on
the Sherriffs of Cecill and Talbott Countys.
Whereas Edward Dorsey of Ann Arundell County Gent
had heretofore Covenanted and agreed with Coll Francis
Nicholson late Governor of this Province and others to build
and finish a Certein Church att the Porte of Annapolis before
the thirtieth day of November 1697 and afterwards by the
honorable Assembly a further time was allowed the Said
Edward Dorsey Viz. till the thirtieth of November 1698 And
for that the said Dorsey hath alltogether Neglected and desisted
from building & finishing the said Church for which Neglect
the Said Dorsey being Called before the house of Delegates
and after Examination it being put to his Choice whether he
would Stand Tryall in an Action that should be Comenced
against him for not keeping his Covenant or that he would
Submitt to Such fine as the Generall Assembly would
Impose and lay upon him Answered That he would and did
Submitt to such fine Provided he might for ever after be dis-
charged from building & finishing the said Church and there-
upon the house of Delegates did fine the said Edward Dorsey
Two hundred pounds Sterling to his Maty his heires and Suc-