of forme either in the Entry or giveing of Judgment Provided
it Appears by the Record that the Parties Defendant was
Legally Sumoned and not Condemned unheard And be it
further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that Servts Imported
into this Province or any Servant that bind himselfe for Years
within this Province or any bound out by the County Courts
of this Province That if any matter of Dispute arises either in
relation to their Indentures Contracts or Wages or any other
matter of Difference between the Said Masters and Servants
the same shall be Tryed heard and determined by Petition as
aforesaid any Law Statute or usage to the Contrary Notwith-
An Act for Speedy Tryall of Criminalls & Ascerteining their
Punishment in the County Courts when Prosecuted there.
Whereas many Acts of Assembly have been heretofore made
against thieving Stealing Pilfering and Purloyning which for
the Security thereof and to avoid the Great Charge and Trouble
in the prosecution of Offenders Accused or prosecuted of Such
Crimes in the Provinciall Court of this Province the Said Acts
have not been put in Execution to the great delay of Justice
and incouragment of Wicked and ill minded people Be it
therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty by and
with the Advice and Consent of this present Generall Assem-
bly and the Authority of the Same that the Comissioners of
each respective County Court within this Province shall hereby