Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699. 549
be lyable to pay all Such Debt Engagement or Damages as
the Said person or persons So Transported Carried or Con-
veyed away should be lyable to Satisfy to any person to whom
the Same shall be respectively due in this Province unless the
Same be otherwise Satisfyed in Some Convenient time or that
in Short time he Cause or procure Such person or persons So
, Lib. I.. L.
Carried & Conveyed away to returne againe into this Province
whereby he may be lyable unto Justice here and any person
or persons whatsoever that shall from henceforth Entice
Transports or Privately Carry away out of this Province any
Apprentice hired or other Servant or Slave belonging to any
Inhabitant in this Province shall for every Such Offence forfeitt
and pay to the Imployer or Owner of Such Apprentice hired
or other Servant or Slave treble Damages and Cost to be
adjudged by the Justices of each respective County Court or
the Justices of the Provinciall Court for the time of Such
Apprentices hired, Servants or Slaves unlawfully Transported
or Carried away as aforesaid And whereas many great incon-
veniencies happened and Accrewed unto many Mistresses or
Dames within this Province by the Wickedness and infidelity
of Servants purloyning their Said Masters Mistresses or Dames
Goods and then by Bartring Selling and Conveying away the
Same unto Seamen and others whereby Masters & Mistreses
of familys are or have been very much Damnifyed & abused
for the prevention whereof and of the like misdemeanors for
the future be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
That no person whatsoever shall Trade Barter Comerce or
otherwise Deal with any Servant whether hired or Indented or
Slave belonging or Appurteining to any Inhabitants within this
Province without leave or licence first had and Obteined from
Such Servants Masters, Mistreses Dames or Overseers for his
so doing under the Penalty of Two Thousand pounds of Tob-
bacco the one halfe thereof to his Maty for Supporte of
Government the other halfe to the Master Mistres or true
Owner of Such Goods So purloyned Bartered or Conveyed
p. 321
Away when proved by Sufficient Wittness or Confession of
the Party to be recovered in any Court of this Province by
Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoyne
Protection or wager of Law to be Allowed And be it further
Enacted by the Authority by and with the Advice and Consent
aforesaid That if the Goods So Traded or bartered as aforesaid
shall Exceed the Sume of One Thousand pounds of Tobbacco
That then the Party or parties whose Goods shall be Imbezled
or bartered away as aforesaid shall have his Action att Law for
the Damage Susteined agt the person or persons so offending
Dealing and Bartering for the Same any thing in this Act to
the Contrary hereof in anywise Notwithstanding And in Case
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