An Act Prohibiting the Inhabitants of this Province or any
others from Carrying Liquors to the Indian Towns
Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty by & with
the Advice and Consent of this Present Generall Assembly
and the Authority of the Same That from and after the Publi-
cation hereof any Person or Persons Inhabiting or Trading
into this Province that shall presume to Carry any Liquors
whatsoever to any Indian Forte or Town or within three miles
of any such Forte or Town and shall Vend or dispose of the
Same to any Indian or Indians whatsoever Such person or
persons shall forfeitt the Sume of five Thousand pounds of
Tobbacco one halfe thereof to our Sovereigne Lord the King
his heires and Successors for the Supporte of Government,
the other halfe to him or them that Informe or sue for the
Same to be recovered in any Court of Record within this Pro-
vince wherein no Essoyne Protection or Wager of Law to be
An Act for Summoning Grand & Pettit Jurys.
Whereas by Law it appears to be the indubitable Right and
Property of the Kings Matys Subjects throughout all his Matys
Dominions in all Cases either Meum & Tuum or Criminall
Matters to be Tryed by their Equalls that is a Grand & Petit
Iury And for that the Constitution of this his Matys Province
will not Admitt of Such ways and Methods as is Practised in
the Kingdom of England by reason of the Small number of
Inhabitants and diverse other Impediments not to be avoyded
Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty by
and with the Advice and Consent of this present Generall As-
sembly and the Authority of the Same That the Cheif Clark