required and enjoyned to take new Security Yearly and every
Year of Such Sherriffs so long as they shall Continue in the
said office haveing Speciall reguard not to admitt any Person
to be Security as aforesd but such as are good and Substan-
tiall ffreeholders within and also to make the Obligation of
Such Bond so to be taken from any Sherriffe answerable to
the Public Charge of their Respective Countys. And for
Encouragement of Such persons now bearing or that shall
hereafter bear the Office of Sherriffe and who shall Punctually
Comply with the Publick Creditors it is also hereby further
Enacted that it shall and may be Lawfull for his Maties Gov-
ernor for the time being where no Just Complaint is made
against Such Sherriffe to Continue and make Good their
Comission for the time and terme of three Year Successively
but noe Longer.
An Act Securing the Frontiers of the Province from the
incursions of Indians
Whereas there hath lately been a Murther Committed by
Indians on the frontier Plantations of Potomock River within
this Province for the Prevention of the like for the future Be
it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty by and with the
Advice and Consent of this Present Generall Assembly and the
Authority of the Same That Col Ninian Beal and Capt Richard
Owen with twelve Troopers and Six foot Soldiers do range in