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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 484   View pdf image (33K)
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484 Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699.

Lib. L. L.

Resurvey shall adjudge, and this all to be required and the
Number of Years to Commence when the Owner of the first
Tract shall by a Iury Resurvey and Ascertein his bound
according to this Act And if any man hold a Tract of Land
by the side of a Creek or Branch and it be Described to
begin att a Markt Tree by the Side of the said Creek, River
or Branch and att the last is on that side to be bounded with
the said Creek River or Branch, but it is Exprest from the
said Markt tree to run up or Down the said Creek River or
Branch a Certein number of Perches or a Certein Course
which Course Declines from the Water Side an Runs into the
Land and no Markt tree appointed for it to end att, in all
Such like Cases the Owners of the said Land shall reverse
his last line (Viz.) as Suppose the first Course is North one
hundred Perches to the Branch Creek or River and the other
West one hundred and Sixty perches and then South one
hundred perches and then East or on a Streight line to the
first Markt Tree he shall run from his first Tree West one
hundred and Sixty perches and then North one hundred

p. 212

perches and then East unto the said Creek River or Branch
and where the said East Line Intersects or falls into the water
it shall Determine his Bounds and he shall hold from that
Intersection by the water Side to the first Tree, but
in this Case or any Cases Paralell if fifty p Cent
will not Intersect the Branch Creek or River then the precise
lines and Course to be the bounds thereof and the reversing
of Lines shall Determine Bounds when the lines by the Water
Side slants over the Creek River or Branch and in that Case
the Creek River or Branch shall be the Bounds of such Tract
and it shall not pass over as in the Second third and fourth
Example is Demonstrated and the reason why fifty per Cent
is allowed to reach the Creek River or Branch that if more is
there will be no Coherence between the Creek and the Course.
And if a Tract be Described to lye on a Certein side of a
Creek River or Branch and begin att a Markt tree and run
a Certain Course as Suppose North one hundred Perches
up or Down the said Creek or River to another markt tree by
the River side which second Markt Tree is known and really
stands by the Water Side and make the breadth of the Land

Within fifty p Cent, there the second line supposeing East

shall be drawn from the second Tree the Certein number of
Perches supposing one hundred and fifty and from the end
thereof South till it Intersect a line drawn also East from the
first tree though the said East line last mentioned be more or
less in this Case then fifty p Cent over or under and from that
Intersection a Line drawn West to the first Tree, the Water
the West and the South line shall be the bounds of such Tract

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 484   View pdf image (33K)
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