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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 482   View pdf image (33K)
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482 Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699.

Lib. L. L.

Ancient Certificates and by demonstrating one Example of
each Interpretation in a fair Parchmt to be to this Act
Annexed as Part of the said Act wherefore the Delegates
and Representatives of the City of St Marys & of the Severall
and respective Countys of this Province humbly Pray that it
may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings most
Excell' Maty by and with the Advice and Consent of this
Present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same
That if any man or his Assignes hold a Tract of Land lying
in the Woods and from the first or other Markt Tree
or end of the line or otherwise run a Certein Course
and Certein number of Perches to a Bay River Creek Branch
or Beaver Damne which have a Constant Stream or
Certeine Bed ot a Channell if the Course directs thereto
and the number of Perches fall short thereof in such
and the like Cases if adding fifty per Cent thereto will reach
the said Bay, River Creek Branch or Beaver Damn Expressed
in the said Grant the said line shall be Extended thereto as in

p. 209

other Cases hereafter being Certein Naturall and unalterable
Bounds And where the said line Intersects the water of the
said Bay River Creek or Beaver Damn or Run of the said
Branch which are or shall be Expressed in Such Grant such
"Intersection shall be Deemed and adjudged the Certein Prick
or Point of the said Tract of Land but if the said Adding of
the said fifty per Cent will not reach the said Bay or River &c
Expressed in the said Grant and such Certein number of
Perches give the Quantity of Land which by Condition of
Plantations is Express'd in the grant of the said Land to have
been due to him with his said Certein Number of Perches and
shall not Extend his Bounds further then his Certein Number
of Perches to the prejudice of any later Survey Notwithstand-
ing any Gift Grant or Patent of Confirmation Granted or
made after the Date of any Certificate of Latter Survey And if
a Tract of Land by a River Creek or Branch Side and from
any Markt tree or end of line run a Certein Course and num-
ber of Perches up the River Creek or Branch to the head of
the said River Creek or Branch and the Record of Survey do
not Express any Markt tree to which as an individuall Prick
the line might be Supposed to Come the said tract shall be
Concluded by the Certeine number of Perches, but if in this or
the former Case there be a Markt Tree Expressed in the
Certificate of Survey and well and Sufficiently proved to
which either the Course or the Creek River or Branch
directly leads and may be Attained by adding ten p Cent to
every hundred pches of that line which leads to it the Owner
or Owners of Such Land shall hold that Surplusage Granted
by the said Ten p Cent against any latter taker up and even

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 482   View pdf image (33K)
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