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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 479   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699. 479

An Act for Killing of Wolves

Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and
with the advise and Consent of this present Generall Assembly
and the Authority of the same that every person that shall
bring the head of a Wolfe to any of the Comissioners or Ius-
tices of the Peace in any County within this Province shall be
allowed two hundred pounds of Tobbacco from the County
where the Wolfe shall be Killed and tht such Comissioner or
Iustice of the peace to whom the Wolfe head shall be brought
shall Cut out or Cause to be Cut out the tongue and Cutt or

Lib. L. L.

Cause to be Cutt of the Ears of the said Wolfs head to pre-
vent the deceit of twice or oftener paying the same Be it like-
wise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may
be Lawfull to and for the severall Justices of the Severall and
respective Countys within this Province and they are hereby
Authorized Impowered and required Yearly and every Year
dureing this Act att the time of the laying of the County
Leavy to raise and Assess by an Equall Assessment upon the
Taxables of the said Countys such Sum or Sums of Tobbo as
to the Justices of the Severall and respective Counties shall
seem meet and Convenient and such Sums of Tobbacco raised
as afd shall lay out and dispose for purchasing of Dufells or
Matchcoats and when the same is purchased shall deliver to
such and so many persons resideing Convenient to the Indians
as the Justices aforesaid shall think fitt who shall render an
Account to the said Justices att the next laying out of the
Leavy how such Matchcoats delivered him or them have been
disposed and what part thereof remains in his or their Posses-
sion or hands And be it Enacted that such person or persons
haveing such Matchcoats delivered as aforesaid be and are
hereby required to deliver to any Indian or Indians for every
Wolfe or Wolfs heads not haveing been paid for before one
Matchcoate Conteining two Yards of Dufells and give a true
Accompt of the Same att the next County Leavy as aforesaid
to the Justices aforesd and shall Mark Wolves heads as afore-
said to prevent deceipt as aforesaid.

p. 204

An Act to Enable the purchasers of the Subscriptions to the
ffree School to recover the same

Whereas Severall persons of the Inhabitants of this Province
hath Voluntarily Subscribed and Given towards the building
and Erecting a Free Schoole att the Town and Porte of Ann-
apolis in this Province severall Sums of Tobbacco and monys
as by their Sevrall Subscriptions and Sums thereunto affixed
appears and the Governors and Visitors of the said ffree

p. 205

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 479   View pdf image (33K)
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