the Advice and Consent of this present Generall Assembly
and the Authority of the same that all persons whatsoever
that are Cast in any Cause be they Plantiffe or Defend-
ant shall be Amerced besides the Damage & Costs in the
Provinciall Court fifty pounds of Tobbacco to be Imployed
as the Governor and Councill shall think fitt and in the County
Courts thirty pounds of Tobacco to be Imployed and disposed
of towards defraying the County Charge in such maner as the
Comissioners of each respective County shall think fitt and for
the due Collecting thereof Be it Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That the Clerk of the Provinciall Court and the sev-
erall County Courts keep an Exact Acct of the Amerciaments
and Deliver or Send the Same to the Sevrall Sherriffs of the
particular Countys who are hereby required to Collect the
Same with the Leavy and are Accordingly Impowered for
default of payment to make distress and Comanded not to
returne any Arrears Except in Cases of Executors and Admrs
who Canot pay without Orders And be it further Enacted that
the Clerk of the respective Courts Give unto the Chiefe Judge
of such Court a list of the Amerciaments, that Court Imposed.
An Act for Stay of Executions after the Tenth day of Aprill
Whereas many of the Inhabitants of this Province are and
have been Exceedingly Grieved and Burthened by Executions
layd upon them for Tobbacco in Sufner Time, when it is not