An Act prohibiting Trade with the Indians for any Flesh dead
or alive Except Dear and Wilde fowl
Whereas Sundry Complaints have been made by sevrall
Inhabitants of this Province Alledging That the Indians under
pretence of Killing Wild hoggs do hunt and drive away their
tame hoggs and Cattle and do moreover Sell and trade with
the Inhabitants of this Province and likewise with forreigners
and Strangers for Beeff and Porke Be it Enacted by the Kings
most Excellent Maty by and with the Advice and Consent of
this present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same
that no person or persons whatsoever either forreigner or
Inhabitant shall buy Trade or Barter with any Indian or
Indians whomsoever for any flesh Dead or alive Except
Venison wild fowl or Vermins upon penalty of five thousand
pounds of Tobbacco the one Moiety to the King for the
Supporte of Government the other Moiety to the Informer or
him or them that shall sue for the same the said fine to be
recovered in any Court of Record within this Province
wherein no Essoyn protection or wager of Law to be Allowed.