Ordrd that Mr Saml Young Mr Michl Miller Mr Walter
Cambell and Mr Walter Lane Goe and Informe his Excy that
their is not any further business Lyes before this house.
Voted that an Humble address be Drawne to his Majty for
to Returne him Humble thanks for his Care in sending us his
psent Excy Nathaniell Blackistone Gov' to Rule over us &
that Mr Speaker Signe the same on behalf of the whole house
Majr Wm Dent his Majtyes Attry Genll Enter the house and
Informes Mr Speaker that his Excy Commands him and the
whole house to attend him at the Councill Chamber to Com-
pleate this Sessions of Assembly
Mr Speaker and the house goe to the Councill Chambers att
the Councill Chamber
Mr Speaker Prsented to his Excy the Severall Bills made this
Sessions as allsoe the Sevrall Laws wch were Continued in
force being newly Transcribed to wch his Excy was Pleased to
Give his assent thereto by Endorsing the same wth these
words (Viz)
July 2 2d 1699
On the Behalfe of his most Sacred Majtye King William the
third by the Grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and
Ireland &c I will these to be Laws.
N Blakiston
Which being Done his Excy was Pleased to Seale the same
with the Broad Seale of this Province wch Laws being soe
Signed and Sealed his Excy was Pleased to acquaint this house
that he thought it Convenient for his Majtyes Service to Pro-
rouge them untill the Twenty Eighth day of October next and
that they were thereby accordingly Prorouged.
And Soe Ended this Sessions of Assembly
Chr. Gregory Clk house Dell: