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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 457   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699. 457

A Bill for the PuninshnV of Privateers read the 3d time &
assented to.
A Bill for asscertaining officers ffees read the 3d time &
assented to
A Bill appoynting psons to Treat wth workmen to build the
Church read third time and assented to.
By the house of Dellegates Iuly 22d 1699.

The house have thought Convenient to Make Choyce of
Capt Richard Hill Mr Samll Young & Capt Iohn Worthington
as a Comittee to Joyne wth such of his Majtys Honble Councill
as yor Excy shall be pleased to appoynt to Settle the Accotts of
the sevrall psons allowed in Tobacco in the Journall of the
Comittee of accotts at the rate of Ten Shillings p Cent and to
Draw notes for the payment of the same on the Sevrall treas-
urers of this Province if yor Excy and the Honble Councill shall
Concurr therewith and if yor Excy will be pleased to appoynt
some of his Majtyes Councill that you will please to nominate
them that theire names may be included in the Bill
Signed p Ordr
Chr Gregory Clk house Dell.


Ordr that Mr Symon Willmore and Mr Walter Cambell
Carry the said message to his Excy and Councill who returne
and say they have Deliverd their Message
The honble Coll Iohn Courts brings back the Laws that are
The honble Majr Iohn Hammond brings back the Last mes-
sage sent by Mr Wilmore and Mr Cambell Endorsed viz
Majr Iohn Hammond by his Excy and Councill
as being near adjacent
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk Councill.
Herewith I send a Coppy of the Pattent of the Honble Wm
Blathwayt Esqr Auditer Genll of the Plantations who is a pson
of Great worth and Honr and able to doe you many good
offices in the Station he stands and for his Great Trouble and
Care in that Imploymt has Generally a Sallary from most or
all the Plantations Except this place Its therefore Recom-
mended to yor Consideration to make him some yearly allow-
ance of Sallery whereby you will make him yor ffriend and I
am Confident thereby doe yor Self a Signall peice of Service
July 2 2d 1699. N. Blakiston

A Bill for paymt of the publick Charge of this province
Read Twice

p. 91

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 457   View pdf image (33K)
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