Ordrd that Mr Philip Briscoe Enter the house who makes
his Appearance
Ordrd that Capt Philip Hoskins & Mr Ion Bozman Acquaint
his Excy of a member being Come to serve as a delegate for
Charles County that he will be pleased to send some of his
Majtyc Honble Councill to Administer the oathes to him who
returne & say they have dd their Message
The Honble Coll Iohn Courts and Mr Wm Bladen Enter the
house who administred the Oaths appoynted by act of Par-
liamt instead of the Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy to Mr
Philip Briscoe who haveing taken the same and Subscribed
the Test & Association Tooke his place in the house
The house Adjournes till to Tomorrow Six of Clock
Die Saturni Iuly 15th 1699.
The house mett againe and were Called Over
Read Over what was done Yesterday
Put to the Vote if Coll Ninian Beale shall have an Allow-
ance or not
Caryed in the affirmative
Resolved he be allowed Seventy five pounds for the pur-
chaseing of three Negroes & Ord'd That Mr Wm Hutchinsson
buy three Negroes and Deliver them to Coll Ninian Beale
and that they be invested in the sd Ninian Beale according to
the Proposall of his Excy and Covncil and that Mr Wm Hutch-
insson have Power to Drawe on the Treasurer of the Western
Shore for the Payment thereof and that a bill be prepard
Put to the Vote if the Bill for the restraining the frequent
Assembling of Negroes shall be Amended or Rejected.
Caryed by Majority of Voices to be Rejected
Resolved that Coll Ninian Beale have Liberty to goe &
Looke after the Transporting the provisions for the Rangers