Who are desired to withdraw untill the Comittee of
Elections and Priviledges have made report whither they are
Duely Elected.
Mr Walter Smith & Mr Iohn Leech Enter the house & bring
into this house a writt of Election directed to the Sherif of
Talbot Covnty and an Indenture returned by the freeholders
of Prince Georges Covnty wch they psume was by A mistake
Ordrd that a Message be sent to his Excy and Councill to
Inquire of the said Mistake.
By the house of Delegates Iuly 11th 1699:
It being represented to this house by the Comittee ap-
poynted to Consider of Elections and Priviledges that they
have reced from yor Excy and Councill a writt Directed to the
Sherife of Talbot Covnty and with the Same writt an Inden-
ture returned by the Sherif of Prince Georges County this
house humbley Conceives it a Mistake and if that the Inden-
ture from the Sherif of Talbott County Lyes before yor Excy