By the Councill in Assembly July 8th 1699.
The bill asscertaining the bounds of Land has been here
read and Considered wch appears to be the Effect of a noble
Generous and Discerning mind and shews yor Resolution and
strong abilityes to do the Country Good and it is firmely
belived that a fairer step to the future Peace and Tranquility
of this Province Cannot well be made then what the intent of
this Bill propounds.
But for as much as the Subject thereof is of Great weight
and moment and should be the work of time and Considera-
tion It is theirfore recomended to yor house that the said bill
may rest in Custody of the Clk of yor house and the Coppyes
of it be sent to the Justices of Each County Court for their
thoughts their on by wch means as well the Delegates of yor
house the members of his Majtyes Honble Counciall may De-
liberate & Consult thereof & the Genll mind of the Country
be found upon soe Great a Charge as this will make in ordr to
a full Consummation of this worke at the next Sessions of
Assembly nevertheless this board is ready to joyne in Con-
ferrence as desired upon that Subject
Signed p Ordr
W Bladen Clk Councill.
By his Excy the Govr in Councill in Assemb:
Gent. July 8th 1699:
Your Message by Mr Saunders and Mr Tilghman I haue
Comunicated to his Majties Honble Councill who upon Con-
sideration of the Subject advise
1: That as his Majties pleasure is that I shall keep soe lik-
wise that I shall use the Publick Seale and that necessaryly
implyes my hearing and Iudging of Chanry Causes wth such
assistance as shall be required.
2: That for that purpose Two of his Majtyes Honble Coun-
cill shall be Ioyned wth me for my assistance therein.
3: That if any pson rest not Satisfied wth iny Decree they
shall have liberty to Exhibitt their Bill of Reveiwe in the
determining whereof I shall have the Assistance of a full
Quorum of his Majtyes Honble Councill not less than five in
4: That if Either partyes are dissatisfyed wth such finall
decree they may appeale to his Majtys in Covncill according to
his Royall instructions in that poynt if the matter in Differance
amount to the sume Limitted