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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, June 29-July 22, 1699. 399

for the said Land and doe purpose to send one of the mem-
bers of this house to have the said ffifty acres of Land Con-
veyd by the said Iohn Dent and his wife wch Conveyance wee
have herewith sent for yor Excys and the Covncill pusall
desireing it may be referrd to his Majtys Attry Genll for his
approbation thereof


And further this house have sent therewith an Ordr on Mr
Robt Mason Publicke Treasurer on the western shore for the
payment of the money In the said Indenture Specified accord-
ing to the Contract made wth the said Trustees wch ordr if yor
Excy & his Majtys Honble Covncill will be pleassed to Concurr
wth and signe the same this house will doe the Like and Dis-
patch the said Mesenger that the same may be Compleated
and that this house may further Consider how to Dispose of
the remaining part of the money assigned for tht Use.
Signed p Ordr
Chr Gregory Clk house Dell:

Ordrd that Mr Walter Campbell & Mr Ion Lowe Carry the
said message who returne and say they have Dd the same.
The Committee appoynted to Concurr wth his Majtys Honble
Covncill Enter the house and prsent there report wch being
read was read to a full house to Morrow morning.

By the house of Delegates Iuly 7th 1699.

The Message by the Honble Charles Hutchins & Robt
Smith Esqr has been here recd and read and this house has
pused Mr Isaac Millers Letfs and accotts and are of opinion
that the armes wch are Come in since his Excys arivall be Lodged
in the Genll Magazine at the Porte of Annapolis Except the
Drumes and Trumpetts wch it will be necessary to dispose oi
to the Severall Countyes where the same are wanting for that
the Delegates of Cecill Baltemore Dorchester and St Maryes
Countyes have represented to this house that these Countyes
are not supplyed wth nor have they any such warlike Instru-
ments amongst them. And as for the three hundred and odd
Quarter barrells of Gun Powder this house think it adviseable
for preventing of the same being spoyled or Damnifyed that
Twelve Quarter Barrells of Gun powder be sent to Each
respectiue Covnty to be Lodged for the Countryes Service and
that the Same be Distributed in the said Countys according to
the Discression of the Coll: or other principle Millitary officer
of the said County and that seven whole Barrells of the sd Gun
powder be Lodged in the afsd Genll Magazine to be ready on any
Emergent occassion the remaining part to be Equally distri-

p. 33

buted and Sent to the Severall Coll or other principle Military

p. 34

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8-July 1699
Volume 22, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)
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