Read the Petition of Mr Iohn Dent praying to have an ordr
from this house for himselfe & his heirs to keep Ordry at the
Coole Springs & to pay noe Lycense nor to Admitt any other
to keep Ordry there.
It is the opinion of this house that if he will Keep Ordry
he may applye himself to the County Cort but this house will
not restrain any other pson from Keeping Ordry there that
will sett vp.
The house Adjournes till Monday Morning seven of Clock
Dies Luna Iuly 3d 1699.
The house mett and were Called over and were prsent as
on Saturday Except Majr Walter Smith.
Read over what was Done on Saturday
Proposed by the Treasurer of the Eastern Shoare that
whereas by the Act of Assembly laying an Imposition on