Ordr p that Mr Samll Collins & Mr Iacob Moreland Carry the
said Message they Returne and say they have DD their Message
Ordrd that Mr Samll Young and Mr Iacob Moreland & Mr
Tho: Staley goe and Ioyne wth the Gent: of his Majtys Covncill
on the Comittee for inspecting the work of the Church and
ffreeschoole who accordingly went out.
The Honble Iames ffrisby and Robt Smith Esqr Enter the
house and prsent the following Message
By the Councill in Assembly Iuly Ist 1699:
The Message by Capt Moreland & Mr Collins and yor obser-
vations upon Severall of his Matys Royall instructions has been
here read & Considerd and this board doe approue thereof
and Concurr wth you therein
Signed p ordr
W Bladen Clk Councill
The house adjournes till Two of the Clock
Eodem Die the house mett againe & were prsent as in the
Resolved that Mr Iohn Bozman call into the house the
Comittee of Laws
The Comittee of Laws Enter the house.
Resolved Capt Richd Hill Mr Iames Crauford Mr Michaell
Miller Mr Richd Tilghman and Coll: Edward Loyd be perticu-
larly appointed to applye themselfs to the Reviseing and Com-
pleating the Body of Laws and the Remg part pticularly to
Consider the Lawe aboute the Surveying of Lands & if upon
any Difficulty it should be required that they should want
Either the advise or assistance of Each other that they vpon
any such occasion may and are admitted to rejoyne themselfs
into one intire Comittee untill the same or any such poynt shall
be discussed and Decided.
The Comittee appoynted to Consider of the reasons tht ob-
structd the building of the Church & ffreeschoole in the port
& Towne of Annapolis Enter the house and made report as