Came Capt Waughop and 11 more of the houses Members
who bring the following Reporte Vizt
Upon a Conferrence Appointed of Some of the Members
of his Matys honble Councill as also of the house of Delegates
to Consider on a Certein Bill relateing to the Bounds of
Do hereby Certify that the said respective Members have
Iointly Considered the Same and do Approve thereof
Edwd LLoyd S: Willmer Ion Addison
Iohn Lowe C. Miller Tho: Brook
Thomas Ennalls Ion Carvill Iames Frisby
Thomas Smith Benj3 Hall Robt Smith
Richd Tilghman Ion Hammond
ffrancis Ienkins.
The said Bill being Endorsed thus Vizt read the second
time and will pass: Was sent down to the house by the Honble
Col Iohn Addison, Thomas Brook, Iames Frisby, Robt Smith
Esqrs Major Iohn Hamond & Col Francis Ienkins.
His Excy being Informed That Severall Indians were Come
to Town which lately resided with the Emperor of Piscattaway.
Ordered That the following Message be sent to the house
By the Governor & Councill in Assembly
Iuly the 10th 1699.
Severall Indians which lately resided and Consorted with
the Emperor of Piscattaway and his Indians being Come to
Town Notice is hereby Given you thereof And you are desired
to send Liev' Col Smalwood and such other of your Members
as you think fitt to hear the said Indians discoursed and treated
with to Morrow Morning.
Signed p Order
W Bladen Cl Concil.
The Board adjourned till to morrow morning 8 a Clock.