further to Indulge his Lordship then other his Matys Good
Subjects of this province for that his Ldp has it att his Own
Election either to Imploy some psons to gett his Bonds and
Bills renewed or otherwise to putt them in Suite.
Came Mr Sanders and Mr Tilghman with the Reporte of
the Comittee for regulateing the Chancery proceedings which
is as followeth Vizt
Iournall of the Comittee Appointed to Conferr wth some of
his Matys honble Councill whether it is Necessary to Compose
any Law to regulate the Chancery proceedings held att the
porte of Annapolis the 7th day of Iuly Ano. Dni 1699.
Col Henry Iowles
Robt Smith Esqr of the honble Councill
Majr Thomas Smith
Capt Philip Hoskins
Col Iohn Thompson of the house of Delegates
Mr Iames Sanders
Mr Walter Smith
Mr William Harris
The Comittee being mett they made Choice of Major
Thomas Smith for Chairman.
The Comittee haveing Considered and Maturely deliberated