which being well Affected will be of great use & benefitt to
this province and is therefore recomended as the first and
most materiall
2d The Affaire of the Church of Annapolis agreed for and
money has been raised by the publick but little or no Advance
made therein by those who undertook it what further Course
therefore shall be taken for yr Compleating the same is in the
next place to be Considered.
The Affair of the Indians by whom a murther on two persons
on the ffrontiers has been lately Comitted by which the Inhabi-
tants are put into great fears and Dangers and the frontiers
likely to be deserted if not speedily taken Care of what Course
is therefore tp be taken to suppress such Outrages and secure
the frontiers but some persons not yet Come that is Expected
as also some Indians may give further insight to that Matter
which otherwise would have been one of the first things
thought on.
If you have any thing to offer as from yor Selves for his
Matys Service and Good of the Country this Board is ready
to Attend it and give you their best and Cordiall Assistance
and are fully Assured of his Excys desire and readyness to do
us good in all things.
Signed p Order
W Bladen Cl Concil.
The aforesaid Gent returne and say they haue delivred their
The following Message was sent from the House by Colonel
Iohn Thompson and Mr Elisha Hall Vizt
By the house of Delegates Iune the 30th 1699.
May it please yor Excellency
This house do humbly desire that yor Excellency will be
pleased to Appoint some of his Matys honble Council] to Ioine
in a Comittee with some of the members of this house to