Charles Beven Thoms Atterberry
Char: Greenberry Ino Emerson
Will Mills Witt Watts Grand
Ambrose Kinemont Aron Iunise Iury.
Humphry Tilton Thos Killman
Wch being read his Excellency was pleased to comand the
Sherriff to bring in Mr Philip Clark wch he accordingly did.
Where his Excellcy was pleased to tell him that he had
detaind him in prison not out of any prjudice to him but that
all the Country might see tht he was Legally condemned and
Imprisoned for tht upon a former Remission upon the Like
case he had spread ab: Reports tht were both false and scan-
delous and tht during tht time of this Imprisonment he had
reported that the provinciall Court he would produce sufficient
reasons in Law to Reverse the Judgmt and prcure his Librty
and it being now the time of the provinciall Court if he can
prduce such reasons he would have him to doe it. And then
he would not need of the Kings Mercy. But if he could not
prduce such reasons after the end of the Court, upon his giv-
ing bond with Security for the peace and his good Behaviour
he will extend his Majtys Clemency so farr unto him as to
Release him from his Imprisoment.
The honble Collo Henry Jowles Chancellour on Behalfe of the
honoble his Majtys Councill, the honobk the Iustices of the pro-
vinciall Court some of his Members of the house of Delegates
and the Grand Iury psented the following address to his
Excellency wch he prayed might be read wch was accordingly
Done in these Words.