left by Colo Vincent Low decd for the payment of the Debts of
him the said Lowe.
Ordered that a bill be drawn up to Impower the said Wm
Coursey and Eliza his wife to Sell and acknowledge those
Lands left by Colonel Vincent Lowe decd to be sold for the
payment of his Debts as aforesaid and that Colo Iohn Thomp-
son prepare such bill.
Ordered that Major Thomas Smith, Collo Iohn Thompson,
Capt Philip Hoskins and Mr Iohn Hall be appointed a Comittee
to inspect the publick accs of this province.
Who being so appointed accordingly went out.
Ordered that Mr William Harris, Mr Wm Hutchison, Mr
Iames Saunders, Mr Elisha Hall and Mr Simon Willmore be
appointed a comittee to Examine into the agrievances of this
Province and make Report thereof to this house.
Who being so appointed accordingly went to Inquire
thereof. Major Iohn Lowe, Mr Iohn Whittington, Mr Benja
Hall, Mr Wralter Campbell, Mr Samll Young and Major Wm
Barton, returne and say they have delivered the address.
Capt Hill appeares.
Moved by a member of this house that some way be
thought on how to assertaine the bounds of Lands within this
province to avoid suites at law.
Ordered that sixteen members with the Speaker be a suffi-
cient number to make a house.
The honble Robert Smith Esqr and Majr Wm Dent attorney
Genll of this province enter the house and present Mr Speaker
with the following message, which was read, Vizt
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
Octobr the 29th 1698
The Message from the house by Major Lowe and four others
of your members, was recd and read, and finding how familiarly
yon have four times mentioned The Right honble the house of
Comons in his Matyts Kingdome of England desireing the
opinion of his Excy and this board upon Questions in the said
Message putt.
This Board considering of what weight and consequence it
is to adjudge the Rights and priviledges of the Rt honble the
house of Comons in his Majties Kingdome of England will not
L. H. J.