It was reported to the house that Mr Michll Miller one of
the Delegates for Kent County, was on his Journey hither
and taken sick by the way and that Mr George Ashman one
of the Delegates for Baltemore County was gone for Eng-
land and that Mr Wm Hemsley one of the Delegates for Tal-
bott County was up at Philadelphia.
Then was read the following rules vizt
By the house of Delegates Octobo the 24th 1698.
It is this day ordered by the Burgesses and Delegates of
this Province now assembled that these Rules and Orders
following be observed by the Burgesses and Delegates now
assembled and by the clk of this house dureing this Sessions
of Assembly.
Ist That no Burges Deputy or Delegate of this house shall
use any revileing Speeches, or name any one by his proper
name, but by another signification vizt the Gentleman which
spoke last or the like
2. That no one Speake above once at a Reading to any
bill without License of the Speaker, and if two persons or
more rise up together the Speaker shall appoint who shall