Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 10, 1697/8-Apr. 4, 1698. 139
The above Resolves and answers together with a Lre to Mr
William Parker sent to his Excy and his Matys honble Councill,
by Mr Campbell, Mr Waughop, Mr Young, Mr Moreland, Mr
White and Mr Lane.
House adjourned for 2 hours.
Post Merediem, house met, Committees Reporte about 3d
p hhd read and approved of the said reporte and Letter sent to
his Excy and his Matys honble Councill by Capt Hoskins and
Mr Ferry, who returne and say they have delivered the Same.
Message from his Matys honble Councill by the honble
Thomas Tench and Iames Frisby Esquire. That his Excy
Comands Mr Speaker and the whole house to attend him
Imediately att the Stadt house.
House adjourned for 1 houre to the Stadt house to waite
upon his Excy
The House mett att the Stadt house. And take into Con-
sideration his Excys Speeches and proposalls.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
March 31st 1698.
The Reply of the house to the answer sent you from this
Board upon your address concerning his Matys: Lawyers
opinion in the case of Mr Iames Crauford suspention & being
againe read and taken into consideration, this board dos think
that the said address has been sufficiently answered, and
rather too mildly, when you have psumed to question his
Matys: Royall prerogative, and his Excy would have you read
and Consider well the case of my Lord chiefe Iustice Heath
who was not admitted to plead att the Barr without the Kings
Speciall leave as you may see in my Lord Cooks reporte Ano
10 Caroli Regis in Banco Regis, fol: 375 And his Excy would
know by what Law or charter any of the Attorneys of this
province do plead in his Matys Courts within this Government
without the Kings Speciall leave or Licence.
And you often mention your Rights and Libertyes the
pticulars whereof he would like to know too and dos advise
you to read and consider those enumerated as the Rt honble
the Lords and Comons of England, Also primo Gulili 3tii &
Marie Contained in the Act of Parliament now lying before
His Excy hath formerly and now tells you againe he knows
of no Custom in this Country that can amo to Comon Law,
which if you know of any you are required to show it
He dos not believe that such an address was assented to by
all the Delegates which if not then it proves not right, but
p. 214
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