House Adjourned till 7 Clock to Morrow Morning to Mr
Speakers Chamber.
Tuesday March the 29th 1698.
The House mett, and called over.
Then read over what was done Yesterday.
Then came the Honble George Robotham and James Ffrisby
Esq. and brought down from the honble Councill the bills yes-
terday sent up with Remarques thereon, and the said Bills
were amended according to remarques.
They bring down Severall Messages and proposall from the
honble Councill Board.
Col: Robotham acquaints the house that he has it in comand
from his Excy the Governour to give them notice of one Cap-
tain Willson that lyes in this River who has made it his busi-
ness to entice the Inhabitants out of this province.
Therefore it is desired that the house make inquiry thereinto.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill March the 28th 1698.
In answer to the Message of the house concerning the Trans-
mitting the Journall of the Comittee of aggrievances hither
for inspection of this Board. It is conceived that such griev-
ances as are presented and sent up from the Inhabitants of the
Severall Countyes of his Matys province ought first and prin-
cipally to be comunicated unto his Excy and his Maty5 honble
Councill and is expected and strictly required that the same
be forthwith sent.
Signed by order.
Hen . Denton Clk: Councill
In answer whereto, Resolved the following message be sent
by his Excy and Councill ascerting that all grievances from the
severall Countyes of his Maty5 province ought first and princi-