Resolved the following Message be sent to his Excy in rela-
tion to what he was pleased to communicate to us in relation
to the Piscattaway Indians.
By the house of Delegates March the 25th 1698.
This house have again taken into consideration the matter
of the Piscattaway Indians and do think it so inconsiderable
that they do not much regard whether any Message be sent
to them or not, or whether they come in or stay out, yett if
your Excy thinks fitt to send to Sir Edmund Andross his Matys
Governour of Virginia to have leave to send through his Gov-
ernment to them we leave the same to the Excys better Judg-
ment; att present we don't coneive itt adviseable to inhibitte
those Indians from coming and goeing to and fro in this pro-
vince as formerly so long as they peaceably demean them-
selves, and as a means the better to induce them to come in,
We humbly advise that the Rangers att the frontiers of
potomack may be forthwith called in (or if your Excy thinks
fitt) that those frontier plantations may be strengthened by
posting them or such like number of men therefore theire
better security as by our former Message we have humbly
submitted to your Excy discretion.
Signed by order
W Bladen Ck hos: Del:
The answer to the Message about Mr Mason the aforegoing
Message and this sent p Mr Ben: Hall, Mr Elisha Hall, Mr
Campbell, Mr Hicks, Mr Bozman and Mr Lane.
Moved by a member that a comittee be appointed to inspect
and examine those articles of charge exhibited agt his Excy
the Governour by Mr Gerrard Slye to the Lords Comrs of
foreigne plantations in England.
The house adjourned for 2 hours.
Post Merediem. House mett. And address to his Excy
the Governour and his Matys honble Councill.