C. B.
besides a Pair of Breeches, due to them; bring with you there-
fore, an Account of what Cloathing has been delivered, that
we may see what is due
We are &ca
Majr Nathl Smith
[Delegates in Congress to Gov. Johnson.]
philadela May 11th 1779
We should have sent by Col Hyde a larger Sum than five
hundred Thousand Dollars had not the Demands on the
Treasury been so pressing and of such a nature as to render
it impossible. We have now a Warrant for the further Sum
of eight hundred Thousand Dollars, the greater part of which
if not the whole, we expect to send forward to you in the
course of this week. This supply we hope will enable your
Excellency to prosecute with success, the purchase of flour for
the Army.
General Washington at this time stands in need of heavy
Cannon, for the further Defence of the North River, and
the necessity of being immediately supplied with at least
five pieces, has induced Congress to apply to our State, for
such Cannon as can be spared either on Loan or purchase, at
the Election of the General Assembly. Under the circum-
stances of this case, and knowing the necessity, we cannot
suppose the General Assembly (if you have not power all
ready) can have any objections against granting the request
of Congress.
If you should lend the Cannon, Mr Hughes who has now
contracted with Congress for a considerable Number, will be
directed to send to Annapolis or such place as you may direct,
the like number and weight of metal, with those that shall be
lent by the State.
Your Letter of the 30th Apl does not clearly express in
what way the Emissions of May and Apl came into the State
Treasuries. If by Taxes for the Continent, there can be no
doubt but you may send, as soon as it is convenient, the several
Sums in these Bills to the Continental Treasury; for the
Resolves of Congress are express that they shall be received
for Debts and Taxes into the continental Treasury and into
the State Treasury for continental Taxes untill the first June.
If they came in on any other ground than for a continental
Tax, (altho not strictly within the Resolves of Congress), yet
we think the state may, and we are of opinion you ought or it
will be advantageous to the State, to consider them as brought