[Count Pulaski to Gov. Johnson.]
Annapolis April the 10th 1779
twice I came down in Hope to see you and get your
Acquaintance, I was twice dissappointed, and unlucky Enough
to find you out the town, you will hear I am in my way to
Georgia; Give me Leave to take my farewell, and in the mean
time to beg for the Continuation of your kindness for my
Legion. I left a Request to the Concil on that Purpose: I
flater myself you Will favour me with the influence you have
among the Gentlemen of that Board, the Capt. Segond who
stay behind, is desired to Return you thousand thanks, and
Let you Know all the Chagrin, and sorrow I had of having
not the honour to see your Excellency, and shew my self the
Greatest Consideration with Wich, I am Sir
Your most Humble
Most Obedient Servant
C. Pulaski L.
His Excellency Governor Johnson
C. C.
[Council to Dashiell.]
In Council Annapolis 12th April 1779
We send you by Mr Hughes 100l Lead, according to your
Request. We have ordered the Commodore to send the
Dolphin and Plater armed Boats, if they can be spared, up the
Sound to act in Conjunction with you & Colo Hooper; they
are to call upon you and if, as we have some Reason to expect,
they should want Hands, we must request you will give them
every Assistance and as some Gentlemen have shewn a laud-
able Zeal in offering themselves as Voluntiers, we hope you'll
meet with no Difficulty. The long Delay of examining into
the Conduct of such Offenders and the frequency of their
Escapes seem to have left little Terror in our Courts, clearly
not enough to deter the wicked from the Perpetration of the
highest Crimes against the State; we have had too much
Softness & are sorry that there is a Necessity for a different
Conduct We are &ca
Colo Geo. Dashiell
[Council to Nicholson.]
In Council April 12th 1779
We received yours of the 4th Instant & have sent the Plater